Big source improvement using CD player

I borrowed a friend's esoteric dv50s CD player.  I could not believe the difference between it and streaming Spotify premium.  I am now in the market for a CD player.  One thing, the esoteric does not play DVD-R.  Can anyone recommend a comparable CD player in the used market that does? I'm looking in the $800 - $1500 range.  
This is a mosh pit, i jump in. I been traveling this road for a time. I started streaming years ago with one of the first Sonos zone players & Napster. Quickly switched over to Deezer streaming at 16/48 as they had an exclusive contract with Sonos. Had an old Sony CD player I was using as a transport always sounded better with both sources going into my Wadia DAC via Coax. Decided to upgrade the CD player and demoed the Cambridge transport. No improvement so I stuck with the old Sony. Then I sprung for the Wyred4Sound mods to the Sonos and got a nice bump in SQ but it still got nudged out by the CD transport. Then the Sony died and I went without a transport. Next step, I got my paws on a Bryston BDP streamer and switched to Qobuz and compared that, @same bit rate, directly with the Sonos and the Bryston took the flag hands down. Always wanted another CD player just to see if it was still better. Finally scored a Bryston BOT-1 memory player that works with the BDP. Did a compare and now the advantage was gone. The streamer SQ was just as good as the transport. I gonna keep the transport so I can do a period rush by slidding in a disc and burn my buddies CDs to disk. Now I am convinced that with the correct setup, Streaming can sound as good as a CD.

If you then tie in Roon the streaming experience becomes even more compelling.

Note: The Wyred4sound Sonos ended up at my GF condo connected to a Shiit DAC and a pair of Audio Engine A5 powered speaker. Made for a tidy condo settup.
Bryston BOT-1
Sorry, but that thing just uses a cheap $20 slot load media disk spinner, like this.

Try going back to a real CD transport, with some cred.

Cheers George
It may be too far down in this thread for this to be read by the original poster. Hoping that is not the case.

I am going to answer the actual question that you asked and address it. You will have astonishing results doing what you have asked about but it must be done in a particular way. For playback you will need a used DVD Audio format capable player. Many of these are also capable of playing SACDs. The key thing is that you will need to rip your CDs to a "music DVD" using either Roxio Titanium Toast on an Apple notebook or Roxio NXT Creator 5 or higher. They must first be converted to WMA files by the software and then burned to a "music DVD. You don’t need to buy the latest version of these programs and can find new lower versions of either of these on that auction site at lower prices.

I would suggest starting with a relatively cheap used DVD Audio capable player and then invest more if you really love what you are experiencing to get an even higher quality reading of the music DVDs. Some of the players I would look for are Denon, Integra, Pioneer Elite, or Marantz. Once you have recorded your "music DVDs" you will find that getting them to play is a little quirky. I have found that pressing stop twice on your remote control will cause any player that I have of this type to begin to be able to read the music DVD and play it.

I will be surprised if you do not have an exceptional result. Please feel free to contact me off the posting board if you have any specific questions. Have fun!

If there is buffering and reclocking after the mechanism, then a $20 mechanism is going to do just fine. Uncorrectable bit error rate is very low to 0 on CDs without substantial scratches, even with a cheap transport.
georgehifi7,194 posts06-05-2020 5:00pm
Bryston BOT-1
Sorry, but that thing just uses a cheap $20 slot load media disk spinner, like this.

Try going back to a real CD transport, with some cred.

Cheers George

Really! your saying there’s not much difference between this in a box.

And this, which I’ve just installed a new laser in for a customer, and listening to as I type. I’ve got news for you.

You need to get out a lot more.