Biggest Live Miss 23 years ago today............

Today 23 years ago in Berlin the band I most regret never seeing live in their original form played their last ever gig.
Their name was Led Zeppelin.
What band or artist from any era do you most regret missing seeing live?
Biggest regret... some friends were going to see Keith Green a few miles away (I think it was in Tyler TX) and asked if I wanted to go. I had to work that night, but one of the friends even volunteered to work for me. I thought I would have plenty of chances to see him. I said "no" about 1 1/2 years later I was listening to the news on the radio and heard about the plane crash that took the life of Keith and two of his children.
Missing Rush in '78 due to a blizzard in Milw pales by comparison.
My biggest realistic regrets are missing (1) Rahsaan Roland Kirk and (2)Sun Ra and his Arkestra. I have no one to blame but myself, many a missed opportunity. Unrealistic regrets include the Beatles, Woodstock and The Concert For Bangladesh.
P.S., not that I really like their music all that much, but I would have liked to have expereinced all the hoopla that surrounded the Greatfull Dead concerts, just once.
I had 2nd row tickets to see Elvis when my young daughter became ill and I didn't want to leave her with a babysitter. I thought, I would just see him the next time around. There was no next time around and he was dead six months later. I don't regret staying home with my sick child I just regret missing Elvis
2nd row tickets to the Rolling Stones in Clemson NC. I had to go to a medical conference (85,000 people--somehow someone thought it was important that I be there--who would know with so many people). I sent my girlfriend with my best friend. Oh well--I got a t-shirt out of it.