Biggest Live Miss 23 years ago today............

Today 23 years ago in Berlin the band I most regret never seeing live in their original form played their last ever gig.
Their name was Led Zeppelin.
What band or artist from any era do you most regret missing seeing live?
P.S., not that I really like their music all that much, but I would have liked to have expereinced all the hoopla that surrounded the Greatfull Dead concerts, just once.
I had 2nd row tickets to see Elvis when my young daughter became ill and I didn't want to leave her with a babysitter. I thought, I would just see him the next time around. There was no next time around and he was dead six months later. I don't regret staying home with my sick child I just regret missing Elvis
2nd row tickets to the Rolling Stones in Clemson NC. I had to go to a medical conference (85,000 people--somehow someone thought it was important that I be there--who would know with so many people). I sent my girlfriend with my best friend. Oh well--I got a t-shirt out of it.
I never saw Stevie Ray Vaughn but I now wish I had. It is ironic that the real reason that I got into high end music systems was to give me the chance to hear my favorite music anytime in the comfort of my listening room. Yeah, I isn't really the same as live but we all try for the illusion just he same. I grew up seeing some great acts in some very small venues, which I enjoyed and are the times I will never, ever forget. We are talking late 60's thru the 70's here in Chicago. Any AudiogoN members out there that frequented Aarron Russo's "Electric Theater aka The Kinetic Playground"? We went every Friday and Saturday, most of the time not knowing who was on the the night we arrive to find out it is Led Zeppelin, Savoy Brown and Jethro Tull!...all for six bucks! I happened to have my Minolta along for that one. The kicker was that the stage was 3 feet off the floor and if you were early, you could sit so close that my neck would hurt from looking up at them all night long. And back then, people would not stand during the performance. This place held about 2000 people. I was sitting up close the night I first saw Jeff Beck. They cooked for a song or two and out struts some dude with this crazy rooster hair who I didn't know at thetime...yeah, that's right-Rod Stewart. Another great memory was making sure we were there to see John Mayall headline only to be absolutely outdone by a fantastic unheard of band-Pacific Gas and Electric. Wow! I could go on forever but I won't. Thanks for the thread to allow me that trip down memory lane. It would be great to hear from any other Kinetic people! Peace!