Billboard's awards .....yikes

Witnessed the awards show was great...except one thing...NO TALENT...anyway the golden age of great music has come and gone.....a sad day for real music.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsuperhonestben
That's been the case for awhile now - it just seems to get worse each year. There are talented composers out there - they just won't make the top 40 because more teenagers buy music than anyone.

Culture doesn't have much value at this point in time, but it's all cyclical though, so it may come back when I'm 80 and deaf ;)
Wow! I can't believe someone else thinks the same way as I do!
There's not much to buy at the music store if it wasn't for the re-masters.
The problem really seems to be what gets played on the radio. Many, many people get turned on (or off) by what they hear on their car radios. There is MUCH good music out there. Problem is most people aren't hearing it. Try XM or Sirius radio and you'll hear music that you didn't even know artists were making. And you're right Maineiac, Mariah IS scary!