Birdland Odeon Ag DAC - how good is it??

I'm considering buying a DAC for my CD player. This CDP is an integrated CDP & has an internal 18-bit DAC but it operates only at 16bits/44.1KHz. The CDP does have a digital output which I can use to feed a DAC. Several DACs come to mind with price ranging from reasonable to unreasonable!
Some of the DACs under consideration are:
*Birdland Odeon Ag with & without clock jitter upgrade
*Wavelength Audio non-oversampling DAC
*Museatex Bidat DAC
*Meilor Bitstream DAC

The most affordable one appears to be the Birdland Odeon Ag. Does anyone out there have experience w/ this DAC? Can you please share w/ me how good/bad this DAC is? & what sort of sonic signature this DAC has? Also, I'm open to other DAC suggestions (as I'm quite sure that I didn't list some other potentially good DACs).

Contact Perrotta consulting a dealer here on Agon. He has the DAC plus carries the Audio Note and Audio Logice DACs. He recently told me that the AL DAC was the best he heard so he may be able to help you understand the differences.

Hope this helps, he is a very nice guy to deal with and Happy Listening.
I'll have to retract my praise for Paul @ Ultra Systems, as he wouldn't honor the price on the Birdland he quoted me.

I second Bigkidz, as I bought one off Anthony Perrota at Perrota Consulting. Anthony is a very easy guy to deal with, friendly, helpful.

Very smooth transaction, & ABSOLUTELY NO DRAMA!
Folks, Perrota IS NOT an authorized Birdland Audio dealer. If Ultra Systems are of no help to you, the please let us know (Birdland Audio) at info2(at) - We will be glad to see what we can do to help you get service.

The Odeon-Ag is still to this day the best sound quality/price value you can get, even if we say so ourselves. But don't trust our word on it, try it out! With the reclocker board upgrade installed, the Ag beats the Audio Note at 5x its cost. And if you really have money burning your pockets, then you should try our new Platinum DAC.
Interesting. Then why is Perotta listed on Birdland's site as an authorized dealer?

How much is the Platinum dac?

What D/A conversion technology is it using, the same as the Odeon Ag or is it something else?