biwire terminations

With 2 separate runs of speaker cables, is it advisable to terminate one cable with spades and the other with bananas at the amp? As opposed to connecting (pancake) 2 spade connectors at each terminal? Obviously, the terminations at the speaker would would be all spades or all bananas....
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I would personally prefer spades on both ends, I like the solidity of the spade connector over bananas (though bananas are much easier to swap out) and depending on which amp you end up with you may have two pairs of binding posts for the spades.

That said either will work.
Thanks for your insights. I guess this setup would also limit the resale possibility somewhat...
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Spades act like electrical dams. Bananas provide the least damming effect. When biwiring, it is preferable to go one set bananas the other spade- or better still sans spade
Many of the Tara Labs speaker cables have interchangable bananna and spades that screw into the cable termination. So you can have it both ways.