Blackburn Micro Tech Tubes no longer?

I just read this online. I sure hope someone buys the TechTube division. The new tubes are pretty nice:
Hoysauce, yes, TechTubes has been shipping for a couple of months now. The only tube they have currently is the E813CC, (12AX7). I bought (4) when they first launched. They are VERY nice. The 12AU7 was due next this autumn, then the 12AT7 was due this winter, but who knows now...
It's a shame with the Valve Amp firmly back in fashion world wide & many companys making them as fast as they can, that a
forward thinking buyer did not jump in with some cash or maybe the Government could have helped out.
However this is England & fingers have benn burnt too many
times I guess.
I think they started with the wrong tubes, the KT88 & EL34 is where the money is, people will pay out for those, but to expect people to pay £40 ($60) for a 12AX7 of an unknown
type, well they must have been on something!
However a Very Sad Day...............