Having started this I would like to jump back in and respond to a few of the above posts. First, I am not trying to imply that their are not clear differences between many products. However, since many of us do not have the opportunity, due to time or money constraints, to conduct our own blind tests of the products we are considering we must rely on the reviews of others, particularly the audio press.Given this fact, I want some assurance that the claims being made can,at least to some degree, be proven(and yes I realize music is inherantly subjective).So,again, why not make blind testing part of the process. Isn't more info always better than less??
As for why I want to see some actual studies done on this subject, its because there is a part of me that wonders if all of this isn't part of a giant marketing scam. I hope not, but I'm still curious. The next time you read an audio review take a step back and look at what is actually being said. Words like "timbre" "bloom" "etchiness" "open" etc,etc. are easy to throw around, but if someone is not willing to submit to listening tests then my guess is it is because they might end up looking foolish.
In response to Garfish,(whose posts I always find informative) I have Krell electronics, B&W 804's, audioquest interconnects and cables.
I look forward to all comments!
As for why I want to see some actual studies done on this subject, its because there is a part of me that wonders if all of this isn't part of a giant marketing scam. I hope not, but I'm still curious. The next time you read an audio review take a step back and look at what is actually being said. Words like "timbre" "bloom" "etchiness" "open" etc,etc. are easy to throw around, but if someone is not willing to submit to listening tests then my guess is it is because they might end up looking foolish.
In response to Garfish,(whose posts I always find informative) I have Krell electronics, B&W 804's, audioquest interconnects and cables.
I look forward to all comments!