Blown Tweeter & midrange fuses Magnepan 3.6r

My problem is I keep blowing the tweeter fuses at a "somewhat" moderate volume. I inititially owned the Yamaha RV-1103 Surround Receiver and blew both the tweeter fuses at somewhere around 2/3 - 3/4 volume potentiometer setting. I heard that these speakers require a lot of high current. Many people drive these with 40 wpc mono-blocks in a good size room and don't complain of blown fuses.

I purchased a Krell HEAT (Showcase) system (125 wpc @ 8 ohm, doubling to 250 wpc a (Magnepan rated) 4 ohm load. I still have the same problem. In fact I have even blown the 5amp midrange fuses. The maximum power level on the Krell digital amplifier is 100). I set the level at 40 and still blow the tweeter fuses in both channels simultaneously. I have never heard any audible cliipping during these times, however, my hearing rolls off at 14 KHZ. I have had two different KRELL HEAT (Showcase) amplifiers driving them, with same results. I have an open floor plan 20' x 15' listening area and the volume levels are no where near ear-piercing levels. I'm beginning to think I purchased defective speakers. Can you help me?
What do you think ?
400+ watts into 4 ohm, pull the speakers out into the room. If you are watching movies this will happen even more so with this few watts.
I use a spectron Musician II amp that puts out 650 watts per channel. I can still blow fuses in my 3.6's at high volume intervals. I can only crank up to about eleven o'clock on the volume without having to replace fuses. i believe that excesive volume on any amp with cause your Maggies to blow off. I have found that using an amp with more clean power doesn't elliminate the problem that you've outlined here..........
Something isn't right about this picture. I've had over a dozen amps with my 3.6's and never blew a midrange fuse, despite playing quite loud (85db with 95db peaks measured on a RS SPL meter)and despite having a room over twice the size as yours. I suspect your definition of 'somewhat moderate' is compatible with my 'very loud'. You need to get an spl before you do anything else, measure what you think is moderate and go from there. You may find these speakers are not for you, they are not really designed for very high spl's. Incidentally, I used a Krell FPB 200 with 400w into 4 ohms and never blew a fuse in the 3.6
The problem with these speakers is that they play extremely clean with no sign of breakup. They really just start sounding good (to me) at 95db as I recall. At somewhere around that point, most amps run out of headroom, or perhaps there is a finite point to the amount of current they'll take. And then, zap goes the fuses and the tweeter (which makes little sense to me since the fuse should protect the tweeter from getting too much current whether the amp is clipping or not).
Don't get me wrong, I love the sound of these speakers and even sold them for an audio store twenty years ago, but to my mind, the 3.6s must have a flaw, since I owned the MG-IIIs for 15 years and never blew out a tweeter with the same equipment.
Magnepan was mistified and could not help me solve the problem, so I sold the speakers and bought a pair of Revel Salons.
There are times I'm tempted to try the Maggies again, (I loved the Typani 4s) but will stay away until Magnepan addresses these problems. With the high end equipment that I've owned (even biamping them) those tweets and fuses should not be a concern.
My advise is to look elsewhere for speakers as you will not get the volume you appear to like without many heartaches.
Sgr:I too had MGIIIa's with 500watts a speaker and run into fuse problems with Techno or movies at that finite limit of volumn and cleaness but they were magically fast up to that point. I considered going with the MG20.1's and was concerned as sometime I can listen to thing louder than I should, and I couldn't really fit the 20.1's in the small space I had at the time. I found the Wilson Watt Puppy 7's capable of that precision quickness of the Mag's ribbon but with the Dynamics I craved (plus that whole 20-30hz bass my mags never really had).

The Magnepan 3.6's are still a bargain for their performance, another option is to look at using a fast sub (Rel) to cut out the 20-30hz bass and let the speakers relax a little more, but they will still beg to go louder because they play so clean.