Bluesound installed DAC - music killer?

Ever throw a sheet over your speakers?  Sure sounded like this to me when I began using bluesound.  Soooo disappointing.   So it will be resigned to a streamer after a new DAC arrives.
Ever throw a sheet over your speakers?  Sure sounded like this to me when I began using bluesound.
If you are connecting to the net using the supplied ethernet cable, you might consider purchasing the Supra CAT 8+ from seller "zendada" on eBay.  Its only $59 which includes free shipping.  Calling it CAT 8+ is a bit of advertising fluff, as its really only CAT 8, as Supra does not make 8+.

Using this cable made a big difference on my node 2i.  A very noticeable one day or so break in difference.  If you go this route be sure to not accidentally order from the Supra seller out of England.  If you do you get hit with a $18 shipping cost and three week or so delivery time, versus free one day shipping from US seller "zendada".

I am using an external DAC with my 2i, but thought the built in DAC was ok for casual listening.

Soooo disappointing.

Just curious what you're comparing this $500 piece of gear to?  Is there an equally priced streaming DAC that blows it away that I'm not aware of?
After owning a Node 2 for a few years (since it's release actually) I've wondered if/when Bluesound would develop a streamer sans DAC and upgraded parts. Surely it would cannibalize sales but only in the small audiophile market.