Bluesound installed DAC - music killer?

Ever throw a sheet over your speakers?  Sure sounded like this to me when I began using bluesound.  Soooo disappointing.   So it will be resigned to a streamer after a new DAC arrives.
I had a Node 2 and was fairly happy with it for several years.  Certainly not like a sheet over my speakers. Make sure you are not blue-toothing to it. Even though I had my Node connected to Ethernet from the get go it took me a bit to realize that I was sending the signal via Bluetooth and it made a big difference when I started streaming via Ethernet.  Overall my biggest complaint was some loss of definition in the upper mids in complicated passages. 
In April I bought a Mytek Manhattan II DAC w/ network card. I had planned to use the Node streamer into the Manhattan DAC but Mytek happened to come out with a discount price plus a free network card about the time I was ordering. I tried the Node into the Manhattan and it was a huge improvement in all ways over the Node DAC. I then tried out the Mytek network card and found that to be an improvement over the Node streamer but not nearly as significant as the DAC upgrade. 
Since then, I have found myself learning lyrics that I’d been hearing for years (think REM) and counting the number of backing vocalists, etc. Both the top and especially the bottom are greatly improved.  Overall just a much more involving and satisfying experience. 
I’d rather not go back, but the Node 2 brought me lots of enjoyment in the time I used it. I’ll probably pass it on to my 18 year old son soon. 
Let’s get passed because Chord didn’t include a great inexpensive streamer !!!!

both are great for what they do best, combined for the $$$$ they are formidable indeed....
All streamers I’ve tried that are hard wired to Ethernet improve dramatically with the Network Acoustics ENO RFI filter. Highly recommend!
I have the understanding that NAD is the owner of bluesound. And they have a streamer for about 1500.00 . It uses the same card as the node but with a better dac . Anyone that can give some insight into this. 
I have Node 2i and after about a month with it, I connected it with a good Analysis Plus coaxial interconnect to the MHDT Orchid tube DAC. It’s sounding great, now. I rolled the stock tube in the Orchid and it sounds even better. I have no impulse to upgrade the streamer, now. It sounds wonderful.