Bluesound Node Icon

I currently use Bluesound products because of their multiroom capabilities. 

In my main system I have a bluesound node N130 hooked up to a Mcintosh D1100 preamp dac.

Thinking about buying the new Node Icon but I would be by-passing the built in dual dacs so I am not sure if there is any reason to upgrade to the ICON?

If anyone knows the new ICON and can give me some advice I would appreciate it.

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@rcman, Hi, do you have any more follow up on your node and icon findings?  It sounds like finding an X or Node 130 and using a Teddy or an Sbooster may be a better streaming solution than the new units?

I think the Jury is out.  I am basically of the opinion that is using an external DAC the X or 130 is the same as the ICON.

If you are using the built in DACs then the ICON will be better.

I too was considering the upgrade to the Node Icon but it seems they use the same app and operating system for all their streamers. I have owned a standard Node for two years and it  has been given me grief with lost connections, request timed out and could not load content messages. I have been back and forth with Bluesound support and though they do seem to care and want to help but  there have been no solutions to the problem. I have tried all the settings they suggested, and spent more money upgrading our internet and wifi service and the problem still persists. I personally think it is a glitch of some sort in their operating system that if the internet connection pauses for a split second their system cannot buffer and cope with it and hits a brick wall. As nice as the tech support at Bluesound seem they can never admit that yes indeed it may be a problem with their streamer or operating system.  I think I am done with Bluesound and will try a different brand of streamer as I can’t see the Icon being any better using the same app and operating system.