Bluesound Vault 2

Thinking of downloading my cd's onto a music server such as the Blue Sound Vault 2. The downside to the vault seems that ripping with this vault takes about 1/2 the time of the entire cd.  Is there a quicker way to get the music into the vault, such as buying DB Poweramp ripping software to my computer hard Drive and then transfer the files
to the Vault?  Looking for the best possible sound.  Thanks for any suggestions.
I buying one to listen to Tidal Masters in full MQA 24/192. Better sound than ripped cds? Anyone ?
I have a Bluesound Node 2.  I have ripped my CDs to an external hard drive and can access them through my network with the Node 2 (and other devices).  I'd rather have them on a standard hard drive that I can easily back up and replace.  Perhaps there's some advantage to using the Vault that I'm missing.
Already started ripping my cds. It will take while but it seems to compensate the time spent.  Set to wav. But Tidal Masters MQA is amazing! Using Shunyata power cable and Van Den Hull stereo cables made a huge difference! Next test will be to import my external HD with hi def files.
Try outputting the Vault via spdif to a half decent DAC and you will REALLY hear an improvement as imho the Vaults internal DAC is its weakest link.

I run mine to a Mytek Brooklyn which handles the full MQA unfolding via Nordost Heimdal 2 spdif cable and it is a huge improvement on the Vaults output via RCA.
