Well it is all bit moot now. I did compare the Roksan to the RCM and the RCM won. But I could have lived with either. I never came across a BMC for a decent price.
BMC MCCI vs Roksan Reference DXP SE
Recently I sold my speakers so I have some funds for a phono stage. If the girlfriend allows it. Right now the two contenders are a:
Roksan Reference DXP SE
Both are for sale now for the same price. The Roksan is a demo unit the BMC is 2nd hand.
Has anyone compared these two. I know the Roksan has proven to be a good phono stage, while the BMC is relative new. Also the BMC has XLR inputs only. But I really like the idea of the BMC. For info about the rest of the system see "my system".
Roksan Reference DXP SE
Both are for sale now for the same price. The Roksan is a demo unit the BMC is 2nd hand.
Has anyone compared these two. I know the Roksan has proven to be a good phono stage, while the BMC is relative new. Also the BMC has XLR inputs only. But I really like the idea of the BMC. For info about the rest of the system see "my system".
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