08-23-06: Ben_campbell
Capt369's post shows the depth of thinking about music for a whole lot of people and I think that's fine but it's neither interesting or thought provoking in itself.
Audiogon is filled with this level of comment time and time again on music.
Well Ben, my "depth of thinking" about music has nothing to do with my thoughts on Dylan and his rise to prophetic and poetic fame. My musical interests were, and are, elsewhere.
To put it simply, we dug Davis, Adderley, Coltraine, Monk, J. Smith, Mann etc.
There`s also a strong argument that these artists had a great influence on todays music as well.
To each their own, eh?
08-23-06: Tfkaudio
If you don't get Dylan, that's too bad.
Tfk, with all do respect...Nah.