Bookshelf Speakers for Luxman 590axii?

Hi All - 

I’ve been running a Luxman 590axii in my office for a couple of years with Buchardt S400 MKii speakers. While the pairing is good I think the Luxman really need an easier speaker to drive. This is a secondary system and I’ll be switching in the Luxman and new speaker every few months for variety. It’s a smallish room and there is a listening chair about 8 feet from the amp/speaker set up. 

I’ve been intrigued by the Graham LS3/5 speakers…


The other components in the system:

  • Gold Note DS-10 Streamer/Dac 
  • Lessloss speaker cables 
  • Cardas Clear Reflection power cable 
  • Revelation Labs IC 
  • Puritan 136 power conditioner 

The Luxman 590axii is rated as 30 watts of class a, but goes into Class AB up to something like 90 watts at 8 ohms. While that may be true, I’ve personally come to the conclusion this version of the Luxman shines best with an easier speaker load so it stays in class A. The Buchardt’s start distorting pretty quickly once the volume goes up. 

Thanks in advance for any suggestions! 







@bluethinker I’ve owned the Falcon Q7. An outstanding small stand mount. Your Luxman is plenty sufficient to drive the Q7 or the Falcon LS/35a!!


I'm a happy owner of Buchardt Audio S400 MkIIs, and agree they open up when driven with more power (or at lease amps). I've had Fritz Carbon 7s in my system on loan, and I really did love some aspects better than the Buchardts.

I personally would not buy the Buchardt S400 MkII replacement, until the Buchardt E50s are out and reviewed....but they too will need power at 4ohm and 85db