Hi, I'm looking for suggestions for a decent pair of bookshelf speakers. However I'm on a budget in the $400-$500 range; I know this is a low dollar amount but it's all I can afford right now. If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate them.
Dali Zensor.Zensor1 if you have a really small room,Zensor3 will give you BIG bass but will need a bitĀ more room to breathe.BOTH will give you a wonderfuly musical presentation with excellent imaging & sound staging!
hfarrior3,the Elac B5's are around $225.00 a pair delivered BUT I listened to them & chose to spend an extra $150.00 on the Zensor 1's because I felt the treble was a bit sweeter & imaging was MUCH better.The Elacs sound stayed between the speakers where as the Dali's imaged well outside with the right recordings.JMO,YMMV.
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