Bookshelf Speakers with the decent bass

Looking for the bookshelf speakers with the decent bass that would sound nice in 17'x 12' room. Listening preference:
Smooth/Uptempo Jazz; Acoustic Jazz and Ambiental music.
So far I am using Focal 807W Speakers and the NAD C356DAC.
Good sound, just missing "that" lover bass (hate sub woofers).
I really like how NAD sounds, especially after I replaced the
stock Pre/Amp jumpers. Nice open highs.
Or, should I try Floor standing speakers. Thank you in advance
on yours opinions.
That's the right question. I am looking for the speakers
with low end extension and at the same time to keep quality
of the Focal highs. Again, I really like the sound of the NAD, punchy bass and extended highs after I replaced the stock jumpers. Two days ago I received private E-mail from the
one of the fellow Audiogoner with the suggestion to try
Carbon 7 SE Speakers. Bass goes low to 38 Hz but he is not
sure how they would sound with the NAD C356.
The logical choice then to extend teh low end yet retain the would seem to be larger Focals in the same line.

The other affordable Focal line I have heard and like a lot is the Profile line. Check the specs, measurements reviews of particular models to identify the larger ones, most likely two larger floor standers rather than the smaller monitors, with more low end extension.
"04-14-15: Fritzspeaks
Hey! Knock it off already you knuckleheads... You know who you are."

Sorry, I wouldn't want you to loose a sale.

"Any opinions on Fritzspeakers Carbon 7 SE Speakers.
Good reviews, but I don't know how they would sound with
the NAD."
The Fritz Carbon 7s would be an excellent choice, for way less than 4k. Fritz is a great guy to talk to as well.

I think Jl35 is right to wonder if you should consider more amp, if you are willing to go 4k on speakers. You might well be able to detectably best the NAD.

So you might think about how to allocate your budget. (eg, the Carbon 7s and a used Cronus Magnum -- to pick an amp at random -- come in at under 4 combined). I seem to swap out speakers much more frequently than my amps, so I might put more into the juice.
