my understanding is that some glue is probably used even in situations where the stylus is mounted and attached literally through a hole in the cantilever
Right, i will add pictures for you to compare retipped (glued) diamonds to the original diamonds on some exotic and conventional cantilevers.
You will not see as much amount of glue as you can see on re-tipped carts:
1) Retipped stylus by SoundSmith (picture from another user)
2) Technics 205c mk4 Retipped by Axel (this and the rest of the pics below taken by me)
Simply compare to the originals (almost no glue):
3) Technics 205c mk4 Original laser etched hollow pipe boron cantilever with nude Elliptical diamond.
4) ZYX Airy 3 Boron cantilever with pressure-fitted diamond with ZYX unique method.
5) Original pressure-fitted Replicant 100 diamond on Aluminum cantilever of my SPU Royal G mkII
6) Original pressure-fitted Shibata diamond on Beryllium cantilever of my Victor X-1II
7) Original preasure-fitted Elliptical diamond on titanium cantilever of the Victor X-1IIe