Boston's Brad Delp passed away...sad news

Lead singer of Boston,Brad Delp,passed away last night in his New Hampshire home...dont know why, but sad news indeed, he willbe missed.
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Hitch a Ride is one of my all time favorite songs to listen to while going nowhere in a car...good memories.
Sad news indeed. His is the immortal voice for one of the best rock albums of all time, the original Boston album. Still wonderful today. He'll be missed, but remembered with fond and nostalgic gratitude.
Along with a bottle of Merlot, I am listening to ALL my Boston records on vinyl right now as a memorial to Brad.
R.I.P., My Brother, and know your musical contributions will be much loved for generations to come.
Hi Slothman, Great story, those are the moments that do indeed make a life worth living. Wish I was there that day myself though I do have my own stories. These are the things that are important as we get older. Still "packin" still dreaming....
I have said for years,,, If I had to throw away all my rock albums and could only keep one it would be Boston's 1st album . Hands down !
IMO its the best rock album ever made and has the best rock song ever made on it " More than a feeling"
I'm deeply saddened ....