Box speakers that sound like Electrostats?

Has anyone found a monitor or full range speaker that compares to an electrostat?
The only speaker I know of that comes close to a
Electrosat , is a pair of Eggleston Rosa's . They
have one of the best tweeters ever made , the four
6" drivers are ran almost full range. I have had apogee
and Magnepan speakers that operate in the same basic way.
However to me the Magnepans sound the best in this class.
The speakers I had were apogee stages, Magnepan 1.6R , I
believe Electrostats sound good for only a short period
of time , after that they start to cut up your ears...
After years of speakers the only one I can live with
are the Eggleston Rosa's , the only dynamic speakers I know of that have the same super transparency of the mention
speakers , and with more clean powerfull bass and peak output. They also are more room friendly and are best looking speakers I ever owned..
dunlavy athenas. aplace them right and the imaging is wonderful, incredible openness, very good if not great bass. Elestrostatics may still have a slight edge on microdynamics but for overall balance i've found nirvana
If you will have a chance, listen to an upgraded Newform 645's (KSU2 + Theta caps) and you will have both worlds. The imaging and speed of the Newform's 45" ribbons are stunning, life-like and magical. The bass portion is no slouched either, housing 2 Scan-speaks the goes down to 32hz. It a decent system you'll swear these speakers worth 4-5x their price delivered to your door. You will end your search once you'll hear how this speakers perform. Just my opinion.
Second the Spendor of the few box speakers that really is very open and transparent...they are a bit colored in sound...the highs are muted and the midrange has a slight "bump" emphasis...but if you enjoy vocals...they are about as good as it gets...if you can...go deeper into the line than the 3/5...the higher models have much more bass...on the other end of the spectrum...for a more detailed, high definition "modern" monitor...the Revel M20 is very impressive...highs are a bit extended...and they can sound a bit "aggressive" with the wrong equipment...but they are very transparent...and not as laid-back as the British "old school" Spendors...2 very different sounds...both have their merits...
Agree with Poorguy and Phasecorrect...
I own the Spendor S3/1p (2 way vented 6.5" + 20mm), and find them ideal with their SC3 cousin center as a HT front trio. Quick and seemless. My favourite CHEAP more-analytical monitor, though, is the Revel M20.
Yet for full-range reference use I've gotta say that my Parsifal Encores are incredibly stat-like quick, coherent and transparent, yet have surprisingly deep slam from an 8" woofer. The Monitor satellites alone put most stats and monitors to shame. You don't have to give up much to make the switch to dynamic drivers once you've heard these! Apparently the Piega 10 has similar proponents....