BPT 3.5 Ultra v. Hydra c

I intend on buying one of these. Does anyone have experience with both of them? Which do you prefer? Also, I have VTL MB-450s. Both co.s say that they should be plugged into their units w/no limiting of current. Any thoughts on that? Thanks a lot.
FWIW, I noticed that several exhibitors at CES2004 were using the BPT3.5's in their mega-systems. Not many Hydras were sighted.
I gave Chris a call. He said,if I am not blowing my 15 amp fuse now, that the 3.5 should be fine. This makes sense to me. Maybe they would work better with their own line. Any thoughts?
U gave Chris a call. He said,if I am not blowing my 15 amp fuse now, that the 3.5 should be fine. This makes sense to me. Maybe they would work better with their own line. Any thoughts?
Due to the fact that your monoblocks draw 1,200 watts max. each, it may be pushing the envelope a bit with the 2,500 watt transformer on the BPT 3.5 Ultra. I would consult with Chris at BPT on the issue first. Those are some fairly high current amps you are running there.