Breakthrough Evidence of the Beatle's Genius?

I have written other threads about my journey to discover and more fully appreciate the Beatles.

In a peculiar breakthrough for me, my first born, 7 month old son instantly stopped crying yesterday when I parked his stroller close to one of the monitors in my bedroom system and played Rocky Raccoon and others.

With every noise and voice in the mix, every different instrument, playfully sung wry lyrics, he seemed to turn his head and stare at the speaker, completely fascinated.

This was after a long day where nothing seemed to amuse him. Needless to say, I was very pleased and hope this bodes well for his future as an audiophile.

Has anyone else had success with the Beatles -- or any other particular artists or composers -- with fussy children? How do I keep this going?!?

Best wishes.
I use to play a very good air guitar, hold hands with my friends, pass sum nature about and hope the world to be a nicer place. Now I only hope for the world to be a nicer place and have my daughters carry on in peacefull coherence..Music was at their beside from birth and continues now into young adult hood. Rocky Racoon lives in the woods behind my home. I hope future expansion does not force him to move..I've feed Rocky and his family many times on my upper deck..Tom
With both of my sons (ages 9 and 6 now) I use to dance them to sleep in my arms while listening to "And I Love Her" and "If I Fell" almost every night (aaaawwwwww I know!). Now we sit and watch "A Hard Days Night' and "Help" damn near once a week. I'm starting to believe that Beatles' songs/music are somehow part of our DNA. I've been a Beatles fan as long as I can remember. I know I first heard "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" at my aunt's house when I was 4 years old. To this day I've still not heard anyone reveal themselves within their music like John Lennon did. Man, he was special!