"Bridge Over Trouble Water" sounds artificial

During the pandemic I've been upgrading my sound system.  I used to enjoy Simon & Garfunkel, "Bridge Over Trouble Water".  With my upgraded equipment the hi resolution audio sounds very synthetic, with one track on top of another, not like real music at all.  The voices are doubled and violins just layered on top.  On my same system, I played a live concert of Andre Previn playing Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue".  It sounded real and beautiful, like a live performance.  Am I doing something wrong?

Showing 7 responses by dave_b

That is one horrid recording...period!  Nothing could ever save that mix.
Systems that Emphasize imperfections in recordings have become synonymous with High Resolution Sound...the details are present on most systems, but the emphasis is more on the Music rather than the artifacts of a recording.  Been there and found it antithetical to the enjoyment of music.  Two words to avoid when building a system are Flat and High Resolution!
BOTW Reeks with Reverb!!!  They were recording it for its intended playback venue...AM Radio 📻 It’s a garbage recording...live is the only way to hear it properly.
“Bridge...” was definitely mixed to fill an automobiles cabin with a cacophonous sound that would overwhelm highway noise when driving 50 mph or more.  As for listenable in a hi fi rig?  N O
It’s an annoying recording that gets more annoying the higher the resolution of the playback system.  Unless that whole echoey bathroom with reverb thing gets you off.
Yes...Eva was a true inspiration and a lovely person.  Gone far too soon ☹️  Her Blues Alley album has that on as well.