Bridging Bryston 3B-STs a few questions

I have one 3B-ST and am looking to add another 3B-St to drive my Thiel 3.6s... Has anyone had any problems bridging these amps or any negative experiences bridging any other amps that might apply to my situation? Any good results alternatively? Are there any problem with ground loops? Hum? Should I get two dedicated 20 amp lines or will one suffice? Some music (hip hop of my son's choice) can dim the lights in my house on peaks with one 3B-ST already. Nothing I listen to has done this however.
Usually when bridging amps you want to keep the speaker impedance no less than 8 Ohms, because the current is already doubled in bridged configuration. If I remember right, Thiel 3.6's are more like a 4 Ohm load, which is going to get the amps awfully hot. Since they're Brystons, they'll most likely take it, but a better (and cheaper) solution would be to sell the 3BST and buy a 4BST instead.
I do not have first hand knowledge in this, but I agree with Karls. I once emailed Bryston and asked about bridging two 4Bst amps. They said bridging is not a problem. However, running a higher powered stereo bryston amp (the 14Bst)or two 7Bst's would result in better imaging and soundstage. Based on this advice from the manufacturer, one 4Bst would sound better than two bridged 3Bst's.
I used two 3B's once (can't recall if they were the ST's though) and had great results with my 804's. Now using a 4B-ST and feel that there is a difference. Unfortunately sold the 3B's to buy the 4B's, so there was no way to A-B the two; and also changed rooms which probably could have been the difference also. Have talked with the guys at Bryston before and they also told me the same as Bwyoung above. Best, Charlie
I would check the bridged power rating for the 3b-st on Bryston's website. I think you will see that it has a 8 ohm rating when bridge but no 4 ohm rating. There is a reason for it, email Bryston's technical support for the full spill. Your Thiels are rated at 4 ohms nominally and I think they dip below 3 ohms in places. You'd be better off biamping with the Byrston's but I think the Thiels only have one set of binding posts.