Bryston BDP1- loading problem

hello Bryston BDP-1 owners,

Just bought the Bryston BDP-1 & BDA-1 combo, they sound pretty awesome!
The BDP-1 can load and play the thumb drive Bryston supplied with it fine and also one of mine Western Digital 750GB (FAT-32) hard drive with about 50 albums in AIFF with no problem.

When I connect my other Western Digital 750GB (Fat-32) with about 150GB of AIFF, the BDP-1 took ALL NIGHT and still havent finished loading. I reformatted the drive and load the same files, it still cannot load. Exchanged the drive for a Seagate 500GB: Same problem.

I believe i have the latest firmware (S1.16, 2011-07-15) and the Seagate 500GB only draws 500mA as Seagate rep told me.

Please help!
Another recommendation to post over at the Bryston Circle in Audio Circle. James Tanner (Bryston part owner/VP) is the moderator and answers a lot of questions. If he can't answer it, he brings it to engineering.

James is truly a great guy to deal with. A real class act.
Al: Yes, I connected it to the bottom rear USB port.

I posted on that forum, no response yet. James did email me back, saying it might be the choice of file (AIFF vs FLAC). I might take a shot to convert those 150GB from AIFF to FLAC just to see how that goes (feel tiring just thinking about it !!)

If it's true that the BDP-1 takes less than an hour to load 150GB FLAC vs more than 12 hours (still havent finished loading) to load the same amount of AIFF, i STRONGLY think Bryston should really do something about this since not all of us have access to FLAC
Interesting. It seems as though all the streamers that have mid or hi fi pretensions are buggy. I have the Marantz NA 7004 and I have to cross my fingers every time I use it. A local shop deals with all Cambridge Audio Products but they refuse to carry the streamer any more due to customer complaints.
The NAD has gotten blasted in the press and forums as well.
I think I'll stick to polycarbonate discs or laptop hard drives for a while before I start embracing this technology and give it about 5 years to mature.