Bryston preamps

Bryston is renowned for their amps obviously. I have a BP 25 into a 14b3 but have a chance to upgrade now to a BP 26 or 17. Should I instead invest in a tube preamp (5k budget) or stick with bryston for synergy. Audio Advisor has Parasound and Vincent. A forum post I read about the Para sound said it might sound to lean With the bryston. I'm looking to buy new this time around. Thanks for any input. Huh there is the George Lightspeed to ponder.
I run a BP17 in my 2nd system and I do it with a tube phono stage (CJ Premier 15) and have no issues ( I use a step up transformer for gain).

The BP17 is dead quiet at all gain settings and is a good sounding preamp
I have heard a bp17 cube with a cube amp.  The 17 cube is thin sounding, makes my CD player for the most part sound small and thin.  There is also quite a bit of noise, hiss coming from speakers.