Buchardt A500, KEF LS50 Wireless, etc. What are your top 3 downsides?

I'm seeing reviews popping up recently for the new version of the KEF LS50 wireless and the Buchardt A500. PS Audio is working on a wireless speaker, too, I gather. Specific models don't really matter. I'm interested in the general approach these products represent.

What you would you list as the top three most important minuses for investing in these speakers as the system? Sonic quality? Likelihood to become outdated by newer technologies? Lack of choice regarding DAC, etc?

Or, if it's really hard to come up with major downsides for these types of speakers, are they harbingers of a larger shift for audiophiles?

I don't have a bias, here. More interested in drawing out your views and experience.
Powered speakers with DSP ARE the future. Better amp/speaker matching. Less risk of obsolesence than separates.
Probably more expensive to "climb the ladder." Probably lessened urge to do so.
I don't see a major shift to active speakers not enough stuff to tinker with. No tubes in any of these though they might eventually have filters you can load in to give them a tube sound.