Budget amp for Dahlquist DQ-10's

I'm currently trying to make some use of a pair of old DQ-10's I've had sitting around for years. They're in good shape but I know they're probably dated technology. Anyway I'm on a bit of a budget and would like some suggestions on power amps that could handle these hungry speakers but could also be found used for under $1K. Aragon 4004', McCormack DNA-1, Bryston 4B? I'm not really sure if I'm on the right track. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
These speakers are not as dated as you may think. They are still better than most of today's speakers and need plenty of power. You are on the right track with the amps you mentioned. My daughter powers her DQ-10s with a Hafler 9505, which is not really a Hafler but an Acoustat amp. It is a great combination.
I used to own a pair, you are on the right track. Wimp amps need not apply with those speakers.

These are very good speakers with an airy midrange. They're only "dated" in their need for lots of power (mainly to move bass driver). So, I second and third the comments above