Budget USB cable?

It pains me to have to try and find a "good sounding USB cable". The whole thought that USB cables can sound different just sticks in my craw. Oh, I know for sure that other cables make a difference (even coax digital and Toslink), but for some reason the whole USB thing makes me crabby.

Onward to the discussion. It seems the Audioquest Carbon is a well reviewed and regarded USB cable. If I try to stick to the $100 max price point, are there any others that can give the Carbon a run for its money? The use would be between my TT3.0'd and EDO'd Touch and my PWD DAC II. Looking for all the usual virtues - no "sound" of its own, neutral, extended and articulate in both directions without being dry or brittle, a natural acoustic sound without being warm or soft. You know, perfect. :-)
These all seem like good recommendations - I've seen more than one or two other recs on different sites for the same cables. The Acoutic Revive, even used, is more than I want to spend. Anyone have any info on the DH Labs USB?
07-12-12: Hotmailjbc
i read the belkin gold series has gotten great reviews. 25 bucks.
A little over $3 shipped on Amazon.
I tried in this category the AQ carbon, Wireworld Starlight and Furutech gt2,
Overall I prefered the wireworld in this price category.
I got to be guinea pig for a dealers usb cable experiment and while I could tell the difference between the super cheap and the mid/expensive, I could not tell the difference between the mid and expensive. End of that day I was surprised I could hear a difference and also how small it was. I really had to pay attention and be very careful. If I was just listening I would not notice a thing. Personally I'd go inexpensive and as short as possible, then over time try other cables if you can demo them.