Buggtussel Solitarious vs Amygdala

Anyone have any info or recommendations on the Buggtussel line of speakers? I've been considering the Solitarious, which has a tweeter and single 7" mid/woofer ........ or if I can afford it, the Amygdala which is the same with an additional 7" mid/woofer - both are transmission line woofers. If you know, would I gain that much for the additional $1500. the Amygdala costs over the Solarious?
I've also considered the Von Schweikert VR2 in the Solarious price point.
Anyone have any other recommendations in the $2500 range? I enjoy speakers that are capable of clean, tight bass.
I thank everyone in advance for their time and consideration.
I disagree with Bombay a bit, I have had the Amygdala's in my house and my concensus has always been that it is a good rock speaker, look for my previous replies, but I think others are more refined.

OK, I understand.
Besides considering the "known Devil" i.e. Von Schweikert, I would also highly recommend:-
* Green Mountain Audio Europa. This is a 2-way book shelf speaker that plays like a floor stander! It sells for $880/pair. Web site is www.greenmountainaudio.com
I have the C1.5i 3-way. These are absolutely fantastic. They are time-aligned, minimal phase speakers. The tweeter is a soft-dome but it plays like a ribbon tweeter. Totally non-fatiguing sound & incredible bass that always seems to be in-sync w/ the music. Never too much & never overstaying its welcome.
* Vandersteen 3A or 3A Signature. These are much like the Green Mountain design except that it can be a bit more laid back. Website is www.vandersteen.com
I have heard the Model 5A but I didn't think much of it - maybe the room acoustics or maybe the amp-speaker combination or maybe the speaker cables or maybe something else! Thus I think that the 3A Sig. might be better value.
The speaker is not much to look at externally but let that look not fool you!

The diff. bwtn GMA & Vandersteen sound is that the former draws you into the music i.e. you get personally involved. The latter can be recessed a bit; as in sitting in Row 20 rather than Row 2. However, other users tell me that by changing the amp characteristc they can make the Vandersteen sound more involving. I cannot comment on this 'cuz I never tried it!
I want to thank everyone for their response and comments - for many reasons to numerous to go into I purchased a pair of the Von Schweikert VR2's - should have them in a week or so - I think the only Buggtussel I would have been happy with would have been the Amygdala and the price was twice what I paid for the VR2's - didn't think paying twice the amount of money would give me twice the amount of enjoyment. I hope I keep these for awhile.
Thanks to all who responded.