Buggtussel speakers: a "sleeper" hi- end spker?

Anyone heard Buggtussel speakers made in Michigan(?)Their ads appear in several mags, and their website provides some interesting design and driver information. They use a transmission line bass which (in my experience)produces the tightest and best low-end. Is this the "sleeper" speaker(line) of the 21st century, or just another bunch of empty boxes??
Maxgain, I am actually speechless! Did my friends from Bellvue reach you yet?
Regarding the many posts about Buggtussel, I did not think that it was going to provide such an object of derision. I am not going to make comment on some of these posts, only that I may have overestimated the intelligence of some of the GON' membership. I hardly think a name defines a product or its design team. I don't care what the name of the product is,just as long as it offers audiophile level performance. I can think of many of the hi-end dogs from yesteryear that are probably gathering dust in a basement, or barnacles at the bottom of the sea. Does anyone one out there remember Mariah speakers, or Fourier speakers, or Rappaport amps?? Yes, catching, sexy names, but lousy and/or inconsiderable products that did not make it. So, lets give Kevin Blair and Buggtussel a break. I know of one dealer on the East Coast who has given Buggtussel a try. I only know of this audio seller because I recently purchased some inexpensive speaker cable from him . He is an honest dedicated professional whose judgement I trust in his selection of product. He is also a resident of the area I onced lived. I mention this because he is a refreshing change from many of the dunderheads, both salesmen and owners that, I have had the misfortune of meeting in sunny Southern California since I moved almost here two years. I think their work ethic can be described: "Apathy is our passion"!!!
sunnyjim: you might wanna try out the "putrid pus that runs from uncleaned sores" ( a/k/a, pptrfus) preamps. they REALLY need a spokesperson. -cfb
I thought Maxgain was pretty funny. The builder of these speakers had to know this was going to lead to trouble.

Otherwise why would there be a beautiful girl named Pussy Galore in the James Bond film? Same general idea, both are bound to solicit humorous comments.

So, on to serious questions.

What is worse than a PUN? Two thirds of a PUn.

What would be a worse name than Bugtussel? Roachwrestle.

What do you call an Audiogon post with two posters doing puns? Pun-ishment.
Sunnyjim,jsut cuz we poked fun at them speakers don't mean we ain't,intele... what was that wurd he said?
I have been around this stuff for along time(nearly 30 years) and I never made any reference to the quality of the product in question! Maketing is both an art and a science. When marketing an audio product I am merly sugesting that image DOES play a role when it comes to the point of prying money out of the publics pocket. Why do you think people continued to buy McIntosh for years after they switched from their respectable sounding tube gear to those dreadful SS designs they produced in the 70's and on into the 80's. It was image, status, pride of ownership, big blue meters,it couldn't have been the sound. The name, the look, the brand, all play a part. If two components had the same sound and the same price, one had a funny name& was butt ugly, the other was true eye candy and had an air of sophistication, which might you choose? Would Mark Levinson, have sold as well as say Billy Bob Levinson. It would not change the sound or the quality of the product but it may change the percertion of it. If the fact that the audio community is a fickle bunch comes as news to you then, I hope I have not let any great secret out of the bag. Some humor in the industry is a refreshing thing,I owned a Son of Ampzilla, in college. If you named your kid "Booger" or "Stinky" or better yet if your last name was Head and you named your son "Dick", would you have a hard time figuring out why the other kids tease and make fun of him. He could always claim he is Spanish and go by Recardo La Cabeza.
So like Jimmy, like I know, like that you are like, man from like California man and all, like totally and you don't like care, like what someting is called like, but don't like cast like aspersions, like at us for like pointing out , like the humor in like something, like it might like bring us all, like down like totally ,man! What a downer, lets all go get like an organic burrito,and listen to like those bitchin' speakers or we could like just do like nuthin' instead.