Buggtussel speakers: a "sleeper" hi- end spker?

Anyone heard Buggtussel speakers made in Michigan(?)Their ads appear in several mags, and their website provides some interesting design and driver information. They use a transmission line bass which (in my experience)produces the tightest and best low-end. Is this the "sleeper" speaker(line) of the 21st century, or just another bunch of empty boxes??
Maxgain, I am actually speechless! Did my friends from Bellvue reach you yet?
Regarding the many posts about Buggtussel, I did not think that it was going to provide such an object of derision. I am not going to make comment on some of these posts, only that I may have overestimated the intelligence of some of the GON' membership. I hardly think a name defines a product or its design team. I don't care what the name of the product is,just as long as it offers audiophile level performance. I can think of many of the hi-end dogs from yesteryear that are probably gathering dust in a basement, or barnacles at the bottom of the sea. Does anyone one out there remember Mariah speakers, or Fourier speakers, or Rappaport amps?? Yes, catching, sexy names, but lousy and/or inconsiderable products that did not make it. So, lets give Kevin Blair and Buggtussel a break. I know of one dealer on the East Coast who has given Buggtussel a try. I only know of this audio seller because I recently purchased some inexpensive speaker cable from him . He is an honest dedicated professional whose judgement I trust in his selection of product. He is also a resident of the area I onced lived. I mention this because he is a refreshing change from many of the dunderheads, both salesmen and owners that, I have had the misfortune of meeting in sunny Southern California since I moved almost here two years. I think their work ethic can be described: "Apathy is our passion"!!!
sunnyjim: you might wanna try out the "putrid pus that runs from uncleaned sores" ( a/k/a, pptrfus) preamps. they REALLY need a spokesperson. -cfb
I thought Maxgain was pretty funny. The builder of these speakers had to know this was going to lead to trouble.

Otherwise why would there be a beautiful girl named Pussy Galore in the James Bond film? Same general idea, both are bound to solicit humorous comments.

So, on to serious questions.

What is worse than a PUN? Two thirds of a PUn.

What would be a worse name than Bugtussel? Roachwrestle.

What do you call an Audiogon post with two posters doing puns? Pun-ishment.