Build-up on stylus - any new cures?

Hi, I run a restored TD-124 and SME 3009 series II, a Shure V-15 III, and a JICO SAS stylus. The last record or two I played sounded a bit off and I wondered whether I had managed to wear out the stylus. Using a pocket microscope I bought for this, I was able to see that the stylus tip still has good "shoulders," so that much is good. However, it has an astonishing amount of sparkly white build-up around the diamond.

There is a thread on here from 2014 with good advice, and I've used slices from a magic eraser for some years now, occasionally with alcohol. Usually I clean the stylus every other record side with a dry ME. Any new thoughts on removing this junk?
One 2014 poster suggested gently dragging the stylus on the ME back to front. I have never done that but would like to hear if anyone thinks that is safe for the tip? Hopefully there is an inexpensive solution, thanks!
 I am really leery of using a product such as Blu-Tak that is not even designed for such a purpose. It IS designed to stick, and when removed from glass, there is a tell tale mark left behind. That would be residue.
Agree with @noromance  only up and down.
The other day I notice a  piece of lint on my needle. I tried my dry cartridge brush, then Last Stylus cleaner, another fine brush, ME, the lint was still there. Used an older US stylus cleaner that removed the lint. Never had something stick to my needle like that.
 I should have tried my Cardas Frequency Sweep test album. Side 1 tracks 2a, 2b and 2c. Those tracks supposedly will also US clean your needle. I uses that maybe once a month. Used it 2 days before I noticed the lint or fuzz or whatever it was. It’s also a good Test album.
I have used the "Magic Eraser" (up & down as noromance & joenies mention) for years & it has worked well keeping the stylus clean. Surprisingly effective in fact... Not sure how well it will work with a stylus that has "build up" on it already, but it's worth trying. 
I use Magic Eraser and I carefully drag it from back to front. Have not had an issue in 3-4 years of doing this. However! I'm using an inexpensive Ortofon 2M Red or Blue stylus, so not as concerned about an expensive mistake.
When the stylus gets dirty, I add a few drops of 91% alcohol to the ME. That generally takes care of it. Agree with @slaw keep records clean; less gunk and your stylus will last longer.