Bulk power cables suggestions

I need help giving my system proper PCs.  Bulk cables at 150 USD per meter max. to get a good basis before Going/DIYing further. I have a QB8 with Red Dawn and generic PCs.
My needs are for Ncore nc1200 amp, a Truth preamp and a streamer/dac.
Thank you!
I sought out the better (SE) versions of (mostly) Pangea cables, used. Saved a lot (50% or more), got good PCs, now the issue is finished.
Thank you all for your replies and sorry for the delay, the notifications seem not to be working.
I’m sure industrial cables are a good bet and I’m very humble about my DIY skills (@williewonka I know your site and intend to try your recipe :p). I will buy industrial cables and have fun with some DIY on the side :) at the same time.
Thing is, there seem to be a handbrake in my system, and I would like to upgrade its power delivery with good wire and connectors to form a base of comparison for later upgrades and find which components to focus on.
Bulk wire from Furu, Oyaide, .... seems to be a good place to start and I’m looking for some people’s experience on them.
Maybe the conclusion is to buy some old reference cables used as it is cheaper in the end, but some first hand experience would be appreciated :)
Thanks guys
I can tell you, the Furutech offerings are top notch. Let’s face it, they build stuff for everyone. It’s like Ferrari suppling engines to F1. What some teams do with those engines is better than others. Point is, you can get some VERY good cabling in “bulk”. But, it’s still not cheap. Then you have your terminations, then time. Power cables are probably the “easiest” to do well. For the most part, I buy power cables. I’ve built a couple, but overall I prefer to buy them. Check out Audio Art and Audio Sensibility both have excellent products that are not outrageously expensive. There are plenty others. 
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