Bully pulpits

It’s pathetic that so many alleged audiophiles use a hobbyist site like Audiogon as a bully pulpit to express political or conspiracy opinions. Thank you for spoiling so much of what an enjoyable hobby forum used to be. 



I wouldn't have to shout IF I could use larger letters. I wanted it to get attention. It worked. Just like deleting posts which disagree works. And if you think a bully just shouts, I suspect you have never encountered one. many of them never shout. No Bullys generally run with a pack that backs up the bully. Kinda like those who report posts which they disagree

Instead of posting something worthwhile... Why do you keep posting weird graphics? Or just insult people?

How do you know what I listen to or watch? Just because I don't agree with a lot of the stuff that you post?

I'm just using humor to embarrass the tools. Shame used to have some currency but now it's getting useless as they embrace it wholeheartedly. 

I've tried, in the past, to meet their arguments head on and it went no where and accomplished nothing other than ticking them off even more with them citing my posts as politically charged and/or inflammatory when it was nothing more than a response to theirs.

Case in point was a thread that was closed a few days ago. In it were lots of politically charged posts that I refused to engage in save for my use of humorous GIFs to shut them up with. This went on and on and on and not a single person complained of the politics. 

Then it got to where a certain someone started posting vulgar and tasteless GIFs and claimed to one up me. Mine was to say it wasn't a competition (agains with a GIF) and also not for the same reasons. His next was a GIF of Rump dancing spastically with "winning" across the screen so finally, I stooped to his level and posted one of Rump in a not so flattering way.

That's when they pounced. That 1st GIF supporting Rump was up for over half an hour with no one complaining but after my rebuttal, it tool just over 2 minutes and it was break out the smelling salts and get ready the fainting couch along with a hefty dose of I'm getting case of the vapors! There was indignation at the new system allowing such behavior and lamentations of my posts.

Do you see the hypocrisy at play? The one sided nature of it all from those who think this is their safe place and no one else can express themselves? That they're perfectly fine with topics of hate and slander as long as it's from their POV?

That's why I've resorted to the use of GIFs. Pictures can speak a thousand words and these are cretins that need some humor thrown back in their faces like a bucket of cold water on a misbehaving critter. I'm thick skinned enough to take it and so should any adult who professes to be one.

All the best,


Found this video of your family picnic.

Real rocket surgeons.


Have a great day.

I Robot.

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