Burmester 001 dig pre-amp question.

I was wondering how good is the built in digital pre amp section is in the Burmester 001 cd player?

I was wondering this as I was interested in getting the TACT rcs pre-amp or a Jeff Rowlands pre-amp.

Any thoughts on this would be greatfully appreciated. Thanks

Showing 1 response by cytocycle

I can't speaker for the burmester, but I can compare the Jeff Rowland and the Tact Preamp. The Jeff Rowland is much better by a huge margin, that being said if you Modify the TACT PowerSupply it is listenable (I bought one from aberdeen components otherwise I would have immediately sold the piece) but still not at the level of the Jeff Rowland. I still own my Tact but use it between a Theta Gen VII DAC/Pre. If you use the room correction and EQ functions see the Tact forum on yahoo, then it's worth using. If not get the Rowland.

I've heard the 001 into a VTL 7.5 and your CD player is an amazing player! But I did not hear the preamp section