All good stuff thanks for the websites. Ya'll have researched for hours,days, years...I was coming from the perspective of someone new trying to buy a piece of good equipment. As I traverse the net- going on a week now, Yes, many companies have their stuff offered online I am finding out. But, you cant just type 'Rega Brio for sale' into the omnibox and get a list of these online audio distributors with prices.
I hadn't really navigated this site extensively (its kindof cumbersome, like the old usenet system:)
I am filling a large space but, it is sparse. The reason for a tight little system is that I hate crawling behind components are trying to thread coaxial cables, place bare speaker wires into the clips on the back of a speaker. And I didn't want to be overburdened with components and flipping switches and twiddling knobs, inputs on and on ad infinitum before I could listen to a CD or record (I know its blasphemy but I like automatic turntables)
This also isn't a final system I'm setting up and needs to be as cableless as possible. its a traveller. I am getting out of 'Dodge' and moving to Arizona this summer. That is why I am looking for a small system.
I am looking at the B&W wireless speakers, the Dali Kubik pack and cocktail audio X40. But it doesn't seem to play US formates such as spotify, pandora. But it does rip from CDs and you install your own hard drive which is pretty cool.
Besides the cold in wyoming (although its 54f out right now) the fact that there are more antelope than people here makes for a seriously conservative and isolated milieu.
I am trying to learn my DAC's from my "Whodat's" and is is maddening because there is also PnP, Lossless, gapless, 'only plays 2 channel', 'only accepts file formats X, X, X, and X. Not Y, Y, Y." egads!
I mean when did Headphones start needing their own Amps and you have to strap one to your DAP which saves files at XXXbps and XXX MHz...:)
Why is a CD player that plays one CD so big! with its own power supply, power conditioner
These 'complaints' are all in jest- I love technology- I am just way behind the tiimes.
as some like to say here in Wyoming, "It is what it is"