Buying Hi-End CD Player or Transport..

I'm looking to buy a new CD Player to my Home Theater/ Music System. I have narrowed down to 3 choices:
1. YBA CD1 (Solid State)
2. Balanced Audio Technology BAT VK-D5 (Tube CD Player)
3. Sonic Forntiers SFCD-1 (Tube CD Player)
4. Forsell Reference Transport.

Here is my current system.
Preamp: BAT VK-5i (Tube)
Processor: EAD TM-Signature
Power Amp: Jeff Rowland Model 5
Speaker: B& W Matrix 802 S3

Which would be the best way to go. adding transport or cd player. If buying the transport, I'll use EAD Signature as a DAC. If buying cd player, which one is the best.

Your comment would be very appreciated.
Supakit S.
Save yourself some cash and get a used EAD transport to feed the processor. They're cheap on the used market these days and work fine.
Take your significant other to Bermuda for a week with the $ you save. But wait til hurricane season is over.
I've heard the Audio Aero with the Joule Marquis OTL amps, preamp, and the Merlin Mellenium speakers at CES and the Stereophile show and it is really good. I'd probably agree with Jtinn. I'd give this one a listen. I've not heard the Audiomeca. Have fun.
I agree with Lev335, the ML 39 CD player is a great choice. And if you want separates, it would be very hard to beat the ML 37 transport used with 360 or 360S DAC. I use this combo, and it is excellent. It can "boogie" on R&R, or sound sublime on classical. Good Hunting. Craig
Since the 39 has been replaced by the 390s and there is a significant improvement, I would not consider the "old" 39. :) The new 390s uses the Anagram DAC made famous by Audiomeca and Audio Aero. The Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 also has a gain control and puts out a hefty 3.5 - 4 v's. It will drive most anything. If all you listen to is digital, I would strongly suggest the possibility of selling your preamp and running the Capitole directly for what could be the best sound. If you want just a DAC, the Audiomeca Enkianthus is fantastic.

I would be careful with Levinson product right now due to the changeover in the 39. I am sure the other units will follow shortly.

The other good news is that very shortly Audio Aero will be releasing their Premier SACD/CD/DVD-V/CD-R/CD-RW/CD-V upsampling player. It should raise some eyebrows.

PS. I have always been a Levinson digital fan, but they seem to be a bit behind the latest technology right now with most of their units.
Agreed with Jtinn-

I use the Capitole 24/192, and wouldn't trade it for anything right now. Also- I drive 4 tube amps directly in a bi-amp config using the balanced and SE outs simulataeously. The larger 170 wpc triode monoblocks (used for bass duty) have volume control as well for flexible gain matching with the mids/highs.

In summary- Capitole allowed me to replace 3 pieces (Sim Audio Eclipse CDP; DCS Purcell upsampler; ARC LS-16 preamp) with ONE BOX, AND got superior musicality to boot!