Since the 39 has been replaced by the 390s and there is a significant improvement, I would not consider the "old" 39. :) The new 390s uses the Anagram DAC made famous by Audiomeca and Audio Aero. The Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 also has a gain control and puts out a hefty 3.5 - 4 v's. It will drive most anything. If all you listen to is digital, I would strongly suggest the possibility of selling your preamp and running the Capitole directly for what could be the best sound. If you want just a DAC, the Audiomeca Enkianthus is fantastic.
I would be careful with Levinson product right now due to the changeover in the 39. I am sure the other units will follow shortly.
The other good news is that very shortly Audio Aero will be releasing their Premier SACD/CD/DVD-V/CD-R/CD-RW/CD-V upsampling player. It should raise some eyebrows.
PS. I have always been a Levinson digital fan, but they seem to be a bit behind the latest technology right now with most of their units.