Cable Confusion

I would like to hear opinions on speaker cable...Anti-Cables vs. Mapleshade vs. Morrow vs. Bettercables. If any of you have tried them and which do you feel perform the best.
Re: the original question any of Morrow, Mapleshade, or Anti would be a good choice. I have the Mapleshade Double Golden Helix on the HF of my Selah speakers... detailed yet pleasant presentation. Very good cable. the Elf cables appear very similar, some using gold over copper instead of silver over copper. Ernest tends to use an enamel insulation.
'Sorry to add to the confusion, but I've never heard a Kimber Kable I didn't like. No matter how old or how cheap, they're unfailingly musical.
I left Kimber Kable years ago. Anti-Cable was a big jump up from that. Ribbon SCs like Mapleshade uses were the all out winners.
i suggest that you set a price point and listen to all speaker cables within that price point. only you can decide what you like.
I left Kimber Kable years ago. Anti-Cable was a big jump up from that. Ribbon SCs like Mapleshade uses were the all out winners.


I have pondered installing different cables for some time now. I’ve read so many articles on speaker cables that I can’t help but be a skeptic. If I can’t actually hear a difference – really hear it, without having to go back and forth between cables to discern any minuscule differences, or “perceived” differences – then I don’t want to lay out any cash. Therefore, I want to ask you specifically what the big jump or difference between your Kimber / Anti-Cables / and ribbon-type cables was. I am currently using four runs of Kimber 4TC in a double-shotgun configuration. I can’t afford to replace the Kimber with really expensive cables, so I have been curious about all the hype given to these other affordable cables. Any thoughts on cables (single or bi-wired) in the $600 range (need 12’ each side) that would provide a discernable difference??