Yeah - we really need a price point. Mapleshade has $7,000 speaker cables as well as the Clearview Golden Helix, about which I've heard good things and are reasonably priced.
Personally I can't figure out this cable stuff at all, and I've gone 100% Kimber because there does seem to be general consensus (above comment acknowledged) that their stuff is really, really good. I use Hero interconnects for most everything, very middle of the road, until recently they were around 90 - 120 per pair depending on details. I figured this got me 'enough' up the totem pole that I could stop thinking/worrying about cables and have been very very happy with that decision.
I recently put together a 4k system for a friend and we did 100% Blue Jeans cables for everything as at 4k total I wanted to focus on the speakers and amp and let everything else evolve over time.
I personally think along these lines:
Blue Jeans
Signal Cable
MapleShade (lower end, not the 7k ones!)
Depending on total system cost. Anti-cables seem like they are similar to Signal Cable, but that is mostly speculation.
I have tried other expensive cables in various places in my system on loan from stores, and silver definitely made the highs too high for me, I always went back to Hero. Some call the Hero the poor mans KS series.
That said - if you want to be different and exotic, which I'm all for, Mapleshade does some really incredible things. You have to ignore a lot of the nonsense claims they make in their catalogue, but their recordings, for instance, do seem to be the best recordings I've ever heard including the Kimber recordings, Telarc, 2L, etc. A lot of what they do that seems crazy actually seems to work... So if you want to be different go with Mapleshade! Otherwise, I say Kimber up! (The other different/exotic thing to do is the Van Den Hul, they do some interesting things...)
And if your total system cost isn't high don't feel bad at all about going Blue Jeans/Signal/Anti/Better etc. Its mostly about your speakers, then DAC, then Amp. Unless your speakers are really hard to drive, then its speakers, amp, DAC :)... IMHO... I really think people should put 50% or more of total system cost into speakers then go from there...