Cable Elevators

Just curious if anyone is using cable elevators and what changes they brought about. I have read there are benefits to having cables raised off the carpet.
The cable elevators experiment seems immune from a charge leveled at so many tweaks that are castigated as "snake oil" -- as albertporter and other point out, you can try this yourself, with anything you have at home.

So why the vitriol? With expensive tweaks, you can imagine folks getting hot under the collar that someone is trying to filch their money; but with a nearly free one -- no reason to get bothered.

The only reason I can imagine I'd be bothered is the idea I might try it and not hear something that others hear. That would mean I was deficient in either hearing ability or listening ability. I've tried to pull myself back from this by remembering that those who can hear or listen better than I can may also write about it and give me something to reach for.  I remain open to this idea until I get no results.
The higher the resolution of the system, the more subtle changes can be heard. 


That's part of it Frank, for sure. Then again it was fairly easy to hear even back in 1994 when my system was nowhere near where it is today, and neither were the cable elevators. Don't forget, mine are tricked out with rubber bands and TC.  

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If people are so sure about what they hear, why does what other people say about it bother them? Why do they then feel compelled to discredit others if they do not tow the line? One reason could be they got something to sell. No way to know for sure in these parts so just beware.  Lots of clues.