Cable for AudioQuest Niagara 1200

I have the Niagara 1200 power conditioner in my main system and wonder if using a power cord from the same company would be beneficial. (AudioQuest suggests it is, of course! wink wink) I'm looking for recommendations for this unit, taking into account its $1,000 price-tag. I can't see spending a grand on a power cord for something at this price level. (I've seen others using the Thunder on it!) However, the $300 Monsoon looks like it might be appropriate. Is the Monsoon good enough? Would it be significantly better than, say, the NRG Z3? Or is an AQ cord at all necessary? Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by nonoise

I agree with speakermaster. For my Niagara 1200 I use a Cullen Cable 10GA power cord (I forget which model) from the wall outlet to the unit itself, and then use TWL PCs for the journey from the unit to my integrated and SACD player and it all sounds great.

All the best,