Cable insulation, graphene, electron flow... how does it work?

From my limited experience with graphene pasted on fuses, it appears to work when painted on the glass only. And I know that graphene painted on the exterior of capacitors can help improve sound quality, presumably by facilitating electron flow to and from the capacitors. I know graphene works on any exposed wire or solder joint. It also works when painted on the insulation of cables. It does not control vibration to my knowledge. Therefore, something crazy is happening whereby the graphene is facilitating the flow of electricity, even when applied outside the insulation.

I want to treat the inside of my old preamp with graphene paste, and I want to try it on insulated wires connecting the tubes and transformer. But there are places where one insulated wire touches another. If the graphene is really operating at some level outside the insulation (and I'm not claiming to know for certain that it does), would it cause a problem if the insulated wires are touching and coated with graphene?
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Hey, what is this? An English major convention? Of course there are facts in science. Theories can be proven. Not all theories, but many theories have been proven. Then they’re no longer theories or theorems. Mathematically, inspection, empirically - there are many ways to prove things in science. Hel-loo!. Wake up and smell the coffee! ☕️ E=mc2 I.e., mass-energy equivalence was proven to be TRUE when the first atomic bomb exploded. Some things are assumed to be nearly true based on preponderance of the evidence, like The Big Bang and Black Holes, the expansion of the universe, things of that nature. Ohms Law is a Law, not a theory. Constants in science are real and they are true. They are not theories. Like the speed of light. The value of pi. Hubble constant. On the other hand, some people cannot be convinced of anything, obviously.
If we speak about audio, and teo__audio spoke about audio, the listening experience is not reducible to an "objective fact" like a fact is a fact for a scientific falsifiable theory; then measurement in the sense of the total reduction of this subjective experience to an objective fact is not possible...Audio experience,listening music, appreciating the distance or the proximity of the audio objective signals with the musical subjective judgement is a totally unique irreducible experience for each consciousness...In audio, hearing is the absolute individually irreducible fact, a fact so absolute for each individual that it cannot be negated or replicated by a theory or by another mind, or another ears... It is what I had understand by what he says...For sure placebo effect or nocebo effect, and illusions of all kind partake of each consciousness also, and there is no measurement that will destroy that, because perception is linked to that in a positive and also negative manner...The esthetic experience of hearing a musical sound is constituted by all that, no objective measure rule the consciousness at the beginning nor at the end...Consciousness reign not science....We must be open for example to explore way to makes the sound experience more pleasing and for that we cannot wait sometimes for the correct engineering measurement procedure if this procedure exist at the times for the precise goal at hand now for us...