3D over a 1.3A HDMI? Hmm.
I feel much of the nonsenseical answers we get from Cable techs come from their lack of knowledge. Just plain ignorance. We here, all get into our gear on completely different levels than 98% of the population does. Consequently, when we hear those ridiculous re marks, we either anger, or laugh out loud!
Try asking them how to switch the box’s output to strickly LPCM or just PCM, 100% OF THE TIME…. If you really want to mess with them.
What’s PCM? Is the usual reply.
Or ask them that going in to see just what sort of tech you have on the line with you.
Presently, no HDMI 1.3 or 1.2 (Oppo 980) cable is more than six feet.
I’ve used 27 or 28ft out of my Onkyo to a projector and had fine results, apart from the “when the FPJ ain’t on the sound cuts out periodically”, aspect which I’m trying to address here.
My PRIOR TO HDMI, Sony HT rec has yet one more issue…. Some relays in it are failing, so the Onkyo came in as a replacement. It was an inevitability…. Just sooner than I planned for.
So now, all the cables are 6ft or less. Some are those really skinny ones the cable people supply. I had a short one from Blue Jeans, but it just flat out won’t work. My PC uses a 12 ft, HDMI and all is well there too, audio, and video are fine.
It’s like periodically, the Verizon gear, or the Onkyo is sending out some sensing signal to detect if all is well with the HDMI circuit.
Or… as the result of the display not being on another signal, hand shake, or something occurs.
BTW I THINK I have everything setup right. But I’ll recheck… currently no audio comes out of the display via HDMI… audio only comes off the RF connection of the Verizon STB.
In fact, I'm near sure the issue revolves around the Verizon HD STB.
Using my Oppo 980 via HDMI, I get no aduio drop outs if the plasma display is off and I'm playing content which has both video and audio as the FIOS STB does.
Hmmmm.... never thought about it like that before. Hmmmm.