Cable Recommendations for Entry Level

I am a newbie to this forum and starting to learn just a tiny bit about better equipment. I just upgraded my junky old technics tt to a new REGA RP-1. I have some old JBL 4312A monitor speakers and am currently trying to get hold of a NAD 3020A integrated Amp. My CD player is nothing special. Just wondering if anybody can recommend a reasonable step up from my old radio shack speaker wire...
Wig - Tell about the circumstances surrounding your statement. That's a very definitive statement for a topic that seems to have no one answer.

I've tried over 10+ brand of cables costing $K+ and these MA1 will put most of them to shame for only $39. My statement basically is to try them, if they don't work for you, you have not lost much.
thanks for the all the recommendations on cable companies. in process of buying a house, so i have to go slow on components for now. plus there are the trips to amoeba records that need funding!