cables are they worth it?

I own a mid-fi system:
CEC TL51x $1500
Wadia 12 $500
VPI Scout $1200
Lyra Dorian $800
Rotel Pre and power $1000
Clearaudio basic $300
Impulse speakers $3000
Wireworld atlantis 5 $500

Total about $8300 my gut feeling tells me spending more then $200 per interconnect would be a waste of money. Soon my phono pre, pre and power will hopefully be replaced my an intergrated. Meaning I need 2 interconnects. Right now I own a Cardas Hexlink 5C and a Cardas Golden Five.
I asked an "expert" on what interconnects I should use and he recommened JPS Labs Superconductor 3 or Synergistic Research Tricon. Both cost around $800 each for 1 meter. Isn't that way overkill for my system?
The same for powercords would it be a waste to spend more then $50 on them, none of my power outlets are grounded.

Sure I would like to believe that expensive cables have a positive influence that is why I bought the Cardas some time ago. But I am really not sure if they are better teh a $50 wallmart cable.

Ps I live in the Netherlands.

Showing 1 response by jaybo

cables are as much about personal taste as sound(like all componants). since you have one of finest speakers ever made, something without exageration such as van den hul should be fine.