cables recommendation

Hi guys,
I intend to run 2 sets of cable from my audio research vt100 mk2 to my vr4jr speakers, I already have a pair of analysis plus oval 8 for the bass unit. as for the mid/hi unit I still searching for a transparency, forward and open-up sounding cables.
can you guys provide me some recommendations, my budget range from $800 - $1,000.
thank you.
Alternatively, if you do not have access to a local dealer, you could go through's home trial program. There are many adequate cables available at and below your price range. They'll take into account the piece parts that make up your system. A oretty good service, and they are reasonable people to deal with.
Why not stick with Analysis Plus? I'm running AP Oval 9 biwires to my VR4JRs which connect my amp with both the lower bass unit and upper mid/tweeter unit and the sound is outstanding - very transparent and open with powerful, dynamic bass. Seems to me that using the same wire for both units would make the most compatible match; regardless of what wire you use.
Jack368, as a followup, I too am using Analysis Plus speaker cables in my system. They seem to work well with a wide variety of speakers, and fit nicely into your budget.
I am using Analyis Plus shotgun bi-wire with good effect on 4jr. I would like to try Audience at some point out of curiousity. I believe the recommendation with Audience is a single run with a jumper instead of shotgun.
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