Cabling Recommendations

Looking for your recommendations for connecting:

  • Focal Grande Utopia speakers
  • Naim Statement amps & preamp
  • Naim 555 streamer & 555 ps dr
Ag insider logo xs@2xmrrobot

MILLER CARBON Cable that the Millercarbon that used to post on these forums

Definitely. You can see the product on his website:



Jim from wisdom cable own utopia also, he knows this Speakers very well, Albert porter is onother one , I would trust.What I like about Jim will tell you how is Cable will react to your gear, He can costumize as well.

Definitely. You can see the product on his website:


It's good to see all those abandoned coat hangers being repurposed for something useful and expensive.

Mrskeptic I own blue Jean cable they are good. But the utopia deserve cable that will bring the best out of them, Blue Jean is not capable of that.


all three of those cables are not that great they're all ofc junk if you're going to recommend cables at least tell him to get OCC single Crystal cables which are far superior to anything ofc and you should know that by now, and especially at how overpriced those three are, you can get the top neotech rectangular cable for half the cost of any of those three.