
Discussions whipsaw has started

Diffusers: under what circumstances might they help when placed behind speakers?6795
Has anyone compared the Coda CSib to a Jeff Rowland Continuum S2?372014
Questions for Joseph Audio Pulsar (I or 2) owners about stands, and spikes/springs.16713
Joseph Audio Pulsar – Original vs. Graphene opinions?584430
Who else is using old cables/interconnects, and is happy?18991119
Opinions on the SimAudio Moon 260D CD player/transport?1986034
Need longer cables, and tempted to go with used Audience AU24e. Thoughts?17303
Any reason not to place stand mounted speakers upside down?902740
Video question: 55" TV recommendations (details within)?273016
New house, new amp, and speaker options (Harbeth, Maggies, GMA or...?)185010
Thinking of a used Hegel H160 integrated – thoughts and/or alternatives?735810
Favorite cover?759894
(Used) speaker cable replacement suggestions for Virtual Dynamics David?32165
Is it idiotic to stack an amp and tuner directly on top of a CD player?1146818
Is it idiotic to stack components directly on top of one another?24655